16 Jan 2020

Our boat headed west to the islands of Fiabacet for today’s dives…

…where we dove the reefs surrounding some of these little islands including Nudi Rock, the island in the middle, Tank Rock, that tiny one on the left, and Whale Rock, that one on the right-ish that looks kinda like a whale:

Dive #5 – Nudi Rock – Fiabacet

(Nudi rock is so named because it resembles a nudibranch)

Apparently I didn’t learn from yesterday, still no flash except on close-ups, oops!

Phyllidiella pustulosa, making more nudibranches:

Chromodoris coi:

Phyllidia coelestis:

I like the grumpy “eyebrows” and angry “teeth” on this blenny:

Red-toothed Triggerfish:

Juvenile Humpnose Big-eye Bream:

Vanikoro sweeper:

Threespot Angelfish:

Yellowface Angelfish:

Serious grouper side-eye!

My first pygmy seahorse!! He was less than an 1″ long!

I saw this little guy and excitedly told the group I found a baby snake…

…he’s not a baby snake, he’s a pipefish!!

Nembrotha cristata:

Dive #6 – Tank Rock – Fiabacet

Over time, the ocean has worn away at poor Tank Rock:

Baramundi (Humpback Grouper):

Can you find the pygmy seahorse?

Isn’t he cute!! Again, less than 1″

Orangutan crabs

Little goby

Bubble-shrimp crab- another seriously tiny critter:


A very puffy sea-star:

Sharpnose puffer:

Dive #7 – Whale Rock – Fiabacet

Sharksucker at the surface!

…wonder who he detached from…

Love the shape of these unicorn fish

Pygmy seahorses do not like light- they tend to turn away from the camera:

This is Map Puffer. Yes, it’s belly has some issues- all of them looked like this…

Threadfin Hawkfish:

Yellowface Angelfish:

Yellow-margin eel:

Hump-head wrasse- this guy was HUGE!!!! Like, 3-4′ long!

Caloria indica nudibranch:

Apparently, this is a nudibranch (Notodoris minor):

I couldn’t tell which end was which until I loaded this picture up on my computer- this is a photo of his butt.


Dive #8 – Yilliet Kecil – Fiabacet

Another night dive!


Find the tiny red shrimp…

Banded mantis shrimp

(and yes, he really was upside-down)

Rainbow runner!

Sleepy fish


Momma and baby Phyllidia coelestis:

Nembrotha yonowae nudibranch:

Tiny shrimp:



Nembrotha cristata nudibranch:

Domino damselfish:

Another sleeping parrotfish!

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