14 Nov 2019

I took an extended range boat down toward the south-ish end of the island and dove some less-frequently visited sites.

This time, however, I took the chance and used my strobe- underwater pictures just aren’t the same without a bit of color.

Dive #4 – Driftwood


Strawberry nudibranch:

Longnose butterflyfish:

Fun fact: this is also a longnose butterflyfish- there’s a black morph found only in Kona (fish taken from Kona elsewhere to be studied turn back to yellow) and this guy is mid-transition!

Bullethead parrotfish:

Smalltail wrasse:

Arc-eye hawkfish:

That orange guy in the middle is a flame angelfish- they’re super-skittish because people catch them and put them in aquariums.

Not a great picture, but another fish I hadn’t seen before- a chevron tang:

White-tipped reef shark:

Moorish idol:

Look at all the triggerfish at our safety stop!

Dive #5 – The Dome

Peacock grouper- I love his purple underfins!

White-margin nudibranch!

These guys were EVERYWHERE!!

Nudibranchs + eggs (the white spirals)

Just a little guy laying eggs!

Verconia sp. 4 nudibranch:

Slipper lobster!

Another slipper lobster!

Achilles’ Tang:

Smalltooth jobfish?

Barred? filefish:

Scythe triggerfish:

Arc-eye hawkfish:

Blacktail? snapper:

Yellowtail coris:

Gold-lace nudibranch (I spotted this one!):

Again, look at all those triggerfish!

Dive #6 – Garden Eel Cove

Last time I was in Kona, I did a manta dive, but no mantas showed up.  The company I dove with (Jack’s Diving Locker) has a guarantee that lets you join the boat for free if there’s space for a 2nd chance at seeing mantas.  So I joined the standby list and was able to go out for some evening/night diving.  These dolphins joined us on the way out to the site!

Yelloweye filefish:

My, what big teeth you have!

Whitemouth eel:

Flame angelfish!

Potter’s angelfish and 2 yellow tang:

Flame angelfish, yellow tang, brown surgeonfish, gold-ring surgeonfish, Hawaiian cleaner wrasse:

Parrotfish being cleaned by a Hawaiian cleaner wrasse:

Gold-ring surgeonfish, brown surgeonfish, Hawaiian cleaner wrasse:

Side-spot goatfish:

Yellowstripe goatfish:

I like watching goatfish root around in the sand with their little whiskers:

Blue-stripe snapper:

Peacock grouper:


Threadfin butterflyfish:

Porcupinefish! (I love these guys!)

Freckled hawkfish:

Sleeping cornetfish:

Dive #7 – Garden Eel Cove (with Mantas!)

During our surface interval, we saw the “bat signal”- mantas swimming over and blacking out the lights at the campfire! 

This is Doug:

An angry looking Gaby:

This is Timbuktu with a snapper:

(the fish sometimes swarm the lights)

Bluefin trevally:

Crown-of-thorns sea star:

Sleeping whitespot toby:

Marbled shrimp:

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