19 Jan 2020

I’m not a morning person, but sunrises at sea sure are pretty!

We moved westward again, this time to Wayil for another awesome day of dives!

Dive #17 – Wedding Cake – Wayil

(most days, I could get a shot of the board with just a little bit of glare, but this morning, the sun would not cooperate)

Crocodilefish! I was super excited that we found another one because I learned they have really cool eyes…

Crocodilefish eye!

Pseudoceros liparus flatworm:

Phyllidia elegans:

So I had seen these sea feathers all over the place- usually hanging out on a sea fan or something, but this one was moving. Apparently, they’re mobile!


Red lionfish:


Orange-lined cardinalfish

Greetings from a pair of anenomefish!

…and apparently they have teeth…

Six-bar angelfish:

Bearded Scorpionfish:

Another bearded scorpionfish:

Find the Tasselled Scorpionfish:

Clown Triggerfish:

Blue dragon nudibranch:

Old Glory (for real, that’s his name!):

Between dives, we took the speedboats out for a tour of the lagoons!

Farewell, Amira

Hello, lagoon!

The water was so clear!

I could totally live on that beach:

Best surface interval ever!

Dive #18 – The Four Kings – Wayil

This was a very large site, so we dove it twice

Fish soup, with a diver

Obligatory underwater shot of me:

Peacock Mantis Shrimp:

Bluestriped fangblenny:

Usually, blennies just hide in their holes, so it was cool to see this guy free-swimming. I love how they look like they’re smiling:

Threadfish Hawkfish:

Leopard wire coral shrimp (on the underside of that coral, he was NOT a fan of pictures):

Eclipse butterflyfish:


Philippines chromis:

Ringtailed cardinalfish:

Find the tiny shrimp:


Dancing shrimp:

A whole gang of these guys were hanging from the ceiling- not gonna lie- they creeped me out

Orangutan crab:

Nemo family:

This is probably one of my best underwater shots- super-proud of this one!


Leaf scorpionfish:

A school of spadefish:

They were easily the size of large dinner plates.

Dive #19 – The Four Kings – Wayil


This guy snapped shut right after I took his picture:

Another lionfish:

Banded coral shrimp; this picture is not upside down:

Emperor Angelfish:

Lionfish face:

Longnose hawkfish, again, with some parasites:

Titan triggerfish with a cleaner wrasse:

Coral Grouper:

A very skeptical damselfish:

Pink anemonefish:

Usually, these corals contain pygmy seahorses, but this one had a tiny crab:

Pipefish! I never got tired of seeing these guys!

Pseudoceros lindae:

Phyllidiella pustulosa:

Dive #20 – Batu Barracuda – Wayil

Phyllidia coelestis:

Coryphellina exoptata:


Doriprismatica atromarginata:

A pair of Coryphellina exoptata:

Nembrotha kubaryana:

Eel on the hunt!

Phyllidia coelestis + Doriprismatica atromarginata (didn’t notice the ruffly one til I loaded up the pictures!):

Not sure who this spindly little guy is:

Phyllidia coelestis:

Little eel:

This plant was coiled up and on the move!

This twitchy little fish did not want his picture taken!

Tiniest little squid ever! He was MAYBE the size of a pencil eraser!

Walking shark, on the run (again):

Another eel on the hunt:

This plant was coiled up, but stationary:

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