1 Sept 2022

I had originally planned on going back to the bridge to explore on my own, but last night’s blackwater dive was longer than expected (we could have up to 2 hours in the water!), and I was exhausted, so I took a rare morning off, which turned into an afternoon off since I didn’t need to meet my blackwater boat til 7pm.

Dive #3 – Blackwater

The most common, but harder to photograph, critter were these Arrow worms:

They were everywhere, but usually darted off a split-second before my camera could focus on them:

Also abundant tonight were these little crabs:

They were equally hard to photograph as they liked to spin around and never stayed still:

A flounder:

I think this thing is a crab larva:

I think this might be a Mantis shrimp larva:

Acorn worm:

A salp:


Whoever this guy is, he seems quite happy!

A lobster! These guys are awesome because they are completely flat- totally 2-dimensional!

Cool jelly:

Another spinning crab- look at those little pinchers!

A moon jelly:

I like the arms on this guy:

I want this to be a larval Wahoo! but I’m not really sure:

One last crab:

A short, but enjoyable night of diving!

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