25 Feb 2019

Another beautiful jungle sunrise:

We got up nice and early to climb this tower and look for some cool birds:

It’s built right into the tree, complete with tire padding and chains:

A long way down, but cool roots!

Can’t remember the name of these guys, but I like the one getting ready to fly off:

Groove-billed ani:

Opal-crowned tanager:

This guy was my favorite- he was building a nest, so he hung around for quite a while:

Kite! This guy was also building a nest:

There was actually a nesting pair, so both the male and female were there (and no, I can’t tell them apart):

Not the greatest picture, but these two blue and yellow macaws circled our tree (hence the branch in the way):

Another Opal-crowned tanager:

Also, that does not look like a good branch to stand on…

Green and gold tanager:

Hiking through the jungle, again:

Don’t grab this branch:

Some trees have this hybrid buttress root system:

Others have more of a tripod system:

This is a walking palm- it sends out roots toward the light, and loses roots on the shaded side. Not sure how far they actually walk:

Squirrel monkey, with baby!

Hold on tight little guy!

Millipede (he tickles when he walks across your hand):

Another creepy crawling millipede:

Poison dart frog (do not lick):

Another poison dart frog (I spotted this one- go me!):

Grumpy-faced leaf frog (not his real name):

Chubby little frog:


Black-mantled tamarin:

I think he saw me!

Leaf frog:

Señor long-legs (again, not his real name):

Back at our lodge, I found these birds just chilling on the roof with their wings fluffed out:

We tried some more piranha fishing- this time Jim caught a flying fish!

I caught a piranha!

Kissing him might not be the best idea…

…but I had been swimming in the lake, with the piranhas, so maybe my judgement is a bit questionable 😉

Summer caught this lunker of a piranha!

He was seriously the size of a dinner plate!  No one wanted to pick him up, so he got nudged back into the lake with a shoe- poor guy!

As the sun began to set, we hopped into the canoes for one last evening of sight-seeing around the lake:

Patti, Mark and me

Groove-billed ani:

Fun fact: butterflies sit on the heads of turtles and lick their tears (it’s how they get salt).

Also: the turtles here are side-neck turtles- they can’t retract their heads into their shells; they just bend their heads to the side.

Proboscis bats sleeping on a tree:

Golden-crowned flycatcher:

I like it when birds stretch funny:

White-winged swallow:

Overhead macaws:

White caiman:

I see you…

Red-capped cardinal:

Great kiskadee (I think):

Rufescent Tiger-Heron

Sulfur-bellied flycatcher:

Marmoset- look at that long tail:

Another marmoset:

Black caiman:

Parrot eating a fruit:

Pygmy kingfisher:

Capped heron:

Zigzag heron:

Lodge at night:

Baby boa constrictor on the walk back to our room:

Good night, little snake!

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