20 Jan 2020

While we slept, the boat relocated northeast to Balbulol:

but today was a short day- only 2 dives- since the boat needed to move north and there was a serious head-wind (we were making about 3.5 knots with all 3 engines going)

Baby Rock on the left, and Two Tree Rock on the right- our sites for today.

Dive #21 – Two Tree Rock – Balbulol

Phyllidia elegans:

Banded pipefish:

This little guy had such a cool tail!

This sea fan contained several pygmy seahorses:

We found so many of these little guys that by the end of the trip we were almost sick of seeing them, though that didn’t stop me from trying to get a picture with one of them directly facing my camera.

A very-lightly pigmented Phyllidiella pustulosa (most of them are more pink):

Nembrotha cristata:

Spot the scorpionfish!

Such a happy little blenny!

Peacock mantis shrimp:

Chromodoris lochi (L) and willani (R):

Bubble Coral Shrimp:

Look at his little pinchers!!

Whip coral shrimp:

Chromodoris dianae:

Blue dragon nudibranch:

Wobbegong- bearded shark:

look at his face!!!

Dive #22 – Baby Rock – Balbulol

Goniobranchus kuniei:

These guys have a fun under-skirt

Blue spiny lobster:

Juvenile Emperor Angelfish:

Nembrotha kubaryana:

Phyllidiella pustulosa:

Twospot coralfish:


Orangutan crab:



Pseudobiceros bedfordi flatworm:

Pseudoceros laingensis – Purple-spotted yellow flatworm:

Bubble coral shrimp:

Blacktip Grouper:

Another coral full of damselfish:

Shy little guy!

Indo-pacific sergeant:

Fluorescent orange sea star:

Blackside hawkfish:


My group waiting for the speedboat to pick us up:

The Bathtub, the larger, but slower speedboat, stowed and ready for our crossing:

While our boat relocated, the crew sang and played for us a variety of songs in English and Indonesian- it was pretty awesome to hear “Burning Ring of Fire” in an Indonesian accent:

Ronald, Andris, Adam, Ading and Meidy:

The sun sets on a fun night

Every night after dinner, Nora would bust out the nautical charts and show us where we were headed next:

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