22 Jan 2020

We headed north to Penemu and dove the famous Melissa’s Garden, which was packed with so many fish I didn’t know where to look! I decided I was going to photograph one of every fish I saw- I think I got maaaaaybe 5%… get ready for fish-overload!!!

Dive #27 – Melissa’s Garden – Penemu

Phyllidiella pustulosa:

Red-breasted wrasse:

Clown Triggerfish:

?Juvenile humphead wrasse?

Yellow trumpetfish:

African coris:

Vagabond butterflyfish:

Bignose unicornfish:

Bleeker’s parrotfish:

Goatfish, moving sand around:

Sailfin Tang:

Bicolor? damselfish being cleaned:

Mirror butterflyfish:

Yellowband parrotfish:

Golden damselfish:

Juvenile sunshinefish?


Midnight snapper:



Sharpnose puffer:

Checkerboard wrasse:

This poor surgeonfish has led a rough life 🙁

Juvenile midnight snapper:

Phantom bannerfish:

Yellowfin? parrotfish:


Diver over coral

Bluegirdled angelfish:

Swarthy parrotfish:

Parrotfish being cleaned:


Goldengirdled coralfish

Bluespot grouper

Triangle butterflyfish



Pair of schooling bannerfish- these guys were part of a giant school!

This guy’s got teeth!

Singular bannerfish:


Love this orange guy!


Vermiculated Angelfish:

Saddled Butterflyfishes:


Swarthy Parrotfish:



Dive #28 – Keruo Channel – Penemu

Doublebar goatfish:

Ribbon eel!!!

This one is an adult male- juveniles are black with a yellow strip and females are range from bluish-greenish to yellowy.

Lamarck’s angelfish:

Singular bannerfish… x2

Epaulette Soldierfish:

I don’t know who these guys are, but they sure were pretty!


Blacktip grouper:



masked puffer


Red-breasted wrasse:

GIANT nudibranch, hand for scale

Another giant Phyllidia varicosa:

This little nudibranch reminds me of a cow (Nembrotha chamberlaini)

Moorish Idol:

Tailspot Squirrelfish:

Bluegirdled angelfish:

This anenome was full of little ghost mushroom pipefish!


Dusky batfish:

Map puffer:

Yellow-stripe sweetlips:


Lined surgeonfish:

I liked this guy hiding out under a shelf of coral

Dive #28 – Batu Rufus – Penemu

Cool swim-thru!

Doublebar goatfish

Juvenile ribbon eel!!!

Two-lined monocle bream

Sea star


Tailspot Squirrelfish

Regal angelfish:

Lamarck’s angelfish (male):

My, what large teeth you have!

Keyhole Angelfish:

Blue spiny lobster:

Nembrotha cristata:

Wobbegong (bearded shark) surrounded by glassfish:

Look at that face!!!

“Pikachu” nudibranch (Thecacera pacifica):

This little guy wound not stay still- he’s a juvenile bicolor parrotfish:

Baramundi hiding out under some coral:


Slingjaw Wrasse:

During our surface interval, we visited Piaynemo, a look-out over the lagoon!

Super-official “check-in” area- we essentially just yelled our boat name as we cruised by 🙂

Holes were cut in the steps to allow the trees to grow freely

What a beautiful view!

Proof that I was here:

Helge, Me and Dan, who introduced me to this trip!

Dive #29 – Batu Rufus – Penemu

Spot the hidden cuttlefish

Guys, that there is a blue-ringed octopus!

He was so tiny!!

So cool!

Nembrotha kubaryana:

Little crab hiding in a coral:

A seriously puffy sea star:

Pseudoceros lindae:

Spot the octopus?

He’s really trying to hide!

and he’s off!

Another puffy sea star:

Coryphellina exoptata

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