12 Apr 2024

Today, I woke up bright and early (and before my alarm) to make one last trip out to Haystack Rock.

The sun was just waking up and there were still clouds/fog over the mountains in the distance.  The tide was also still going out, so I got some nice reflections on the sand:

From a distance, I could see dots of white- seagulls- covering the rock, so I thought maybe the eagles had left?

I was wrong- there was a squawking commotion, and this brave seagull chased an eagle away!

However, as I got closer to the rock, I noticed there was still one eagle sitting on the peak:

And shortly thereafter, the partner joined:

I mean, it’s cool to see an eagle close-up (or, close-ish- they were still a bit too far out for my 300mm lens), but I wanna see a puffin!

Seagulls relegated to the smaller rocks:

There were birds flying above the ocean just behind the rock, and at times, I was able to spot the flash of orange beak- a puffin!- through my lens, but all those pictures are fuzzy- they were just too far away 🙁

So, farewell for now, Haystack Rock, I will be back!

Can you spot the Matt on our patio eating a cookie?

We finished packing (didn’t sound like fun last night) and hit the road for the 2 hour drive back to the airport.  Car cookies (from the front desk last night) made for a tasty treat:

It rained the whole way out last time we made this drive- look how pretty it is with blue skies and wispy clouds!

Our car turned 1000 miles!  (though only about 200 of those were ours)

Also note the giant paddle shifters- they were much larger than necessary and totally got in the way.  Matt was not a fan!

I think that’s Mt. Hood?  Another sight we missed due to the rain when we arrived.

my phone’s zoom is terrible, don’t judge

Hello, plane!

Farewell, PDX!

Another successful us trip!

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