24 Apr 2023

Welcome to Pura, the site of our first dive!

Our guides taking one of the speedboats out to check site conditions:

Dive #22 – Landai Salib

Today, we had two options for our morning dive- Limarahin, a muck dive site or Landai Salib, a wall:

Map by Nora Niggs

I wanted to do both! but we could only do one and the rest of my group wanted the wall, so that’s where we went.

There were a ton of anthias here, so I made it my goal on this dive to finally get a good shot.

Scalefin anthias:

Threadfin anthias:

Ringtail cardinalfish:

Darkfin chromis:

A pair of Ringtail cardinalfish:

Black-bar chromis:


Blackspotted puffer:

The top-down view of a Ceratosoma nudibranch, gracillimum, I think:

(this is the back end, his face is behind that coral on the right)

A whole school of juvenile Spiny chromis:

Bicolor angelfish:


A whole mess of Slender sweeper fish:

Blacklip butterflyfish:


Darkband fusilier:

Ribbon sweetlips:

An odd looking nudibranch- Jorunna rubescens:

Orangutan crab #1:

Orangutan crab #2:

A seriously tiny (<1cm) coral crab:

Humphead bannerfish:

Another one of those funky Jorunna rubescens nudibranchs:

and another!

(once you know what to look for, they aren’t too hard to spot)

Leaf scorpionfish:

and another, one of the most colorful Leaf scorpionfish I’d ever seen!

Dive #23 – The Arch

Dark clouds rolled in as we moved north to Reta for our next dive:

I feel like there used to be an arch that is now collapsed, but I really don’t remember (sorry Nora, I promise I was paying attention to the briefing!):

Map by Nora Niggs

Anemonefish family:

Threadfin anthias:

They have such pretty tails!

Finally! A Twospined angelfish out in the open!!!

and, there he goes 🙁

A very active Nembrotha chamberlaini:

he was swinging his head all over, which made it surprisingly hard to focus on him

Another slightly less active Nembrotha chamberlaini:

but he was still on the move

A very pretty Pteraeolidia semperi:

I had seen this guy a few times before, but couldn’t get a shot of him- this is a Blackbelt hogfish:

Phyllidia varicosa:

Emperor angelfish:

Regal angelfish:


Threadfin anthias (male- top, female- bottom):

A young Brown tang:

Anemonefish in his anemone:

A whole harem of anthias:

A small school of Spiny chromis:

There was so much life on top of this reef- I could have spent all day exploring!

Dive #24 – Current Alley

Surface conditions continued to worsen- more rain and now waves as well:

We headed back to Current Alley, a site from a couple days ago where, unfortunately, the current was also picking up:

Map by Kevin

Always disappointing to see fish traps- I really wanted to cut this one lose and free the fishes!

Twostripe damselfish:

Bicolor angelfish:

Orangelined triggerfish:

Blacktip grouper:

Fingerprint toby:

Solor boxfish (female):

The tiniest little lobster!

His body was just over an inch long!

Pteraeolidia semperi:

A very well camouflaged coral crab:

This is a Pontohi seahorse- if he stretches out (which he’s doing), he’s a little over a centimeter long. There were actually 2 of them, but there was also a crazy current trying to rip me away so this is the best shot I could get (his tail is in focus):

Ugh, so frustrating!

Blackbar damselfish:

I don’t remember what the dessert was (though I do remember it was quite tasty!), but I loved the little sharks they decorated our plates with:

I didn’t have the heart to destroy mine, though I did add some gills 🙂

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