29 Sept 2023

Today is mostly a driving day, so before we park ourselves in the car for 4+ hours, we headed out to Bar Harbor to wander around the downtown area and buy some t-shirts like good tourists.

This is only the beginning- there are several blocks worth of shops and restaurants to peruse.  We ended up spending a little over 2 hours here, which was way longer than either of us expected!

We stopped for a snack at the Pink Pastry Shop, where we split this cinnamon roll (I wish it had been warm, but it was still nice and soft and quite tasty):

Matt got what he described as the best cup of hot chocolate he had ever had, and my black coffee was an incredibly smooth dark roast with no hints of bitterness.  Would recommend!

Continuing my theme of giant stuffed critters, I found this puffin:

I bought a few shirts, Matt bought some snacks for the road, and we set out to find New Hampshire!  Along the way, our car turned 1000 miles!

We ended up taking some very back roads that I’m sure will be absolutely gorgeous in a couple weeks, but even up here in the mountains, we’re too early 🙁

Apparently, my phone does not like shooting through the windshield of our car…

New Hampshire takes much better care of their roads than Maine does (this road had been borderline unpaved and seriously gravel-covered leading up to this point):

This mountain pass was unexpected- it wasn’t until we were turning onto it and saw a sign for a gate that we learned this road closes in the winter:

It’s technically 2-way, but is probably closer to a lane and a half- passing other cars felt really tight!  However, this is another road that is probably beautiful when the trees are changing colors.

I was hoping to do at least a short hike when we arrived, but it started raining as we got into town, so we decided to just call it an early night- tomorrow will be an early morning!

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