2 Oct 2023

This morning started out a bit strange- we are obviously at a higher elevation than I realized because we drove through clouds!

I struggled to get a good picture shooting from the car:

And this isn’t the worst of it- it was like driving through fog for a while!

I spotted this cool waterfall from the road:

but the path to get to it was damaged in the flood:

Our first stop- Cold Hollow Cider Mill:

Where we grabbed some freshly made apple cider donuts:

and hot apple cider- a delicious breakfast!

We also got to see how cider is made:

and pressed:

And sampled some as well- it was tasty, but we both preferred it hot, so we went back for seconds 🙂

Matt tried an apple, bacon, Vermont cheese sandwich from their kitchen (which he throughly enjoyed)

I rolled my ankle yesterday so today’s hike needed to be easy (and less populated)- enter Kirchner Woods:

Just a short drive from our donut stop, off another unpaved road, was this great forest at the site of an old sugar shack.  Plus, look at all those ready-to-use hiking sticks!  I picked one out, then set it down to switch camera lenses and forgot to grab it again 🙁

They even had printed maps, which Matt throughly enjoyed!

They also had snakes, which Matt did not enjoy:

but just the one, and he was a little guy!

Old syrup collecting bucket along with a trail marker:

The paths were very well marked (another thing Matt appreciated).

Yellow mushroom:

These leaves were all like this- red on one side, green on the other:

I’m not sure what those trunk nuggets are, but this tree was covered in them!

Nugget innards:

Another tree reclaiming a bucket:

Another good 2+ mile hike!  And as a reward, ice cream!

The original Ben & Jerry’s is in the area and it felt wrong to not stop, though it’s apparently the touristy thing to do:

We waited in this line for about half and hour, which gave us time to pick out our flavors:

Coffee, Coffee, Buzzbuzzbuzz for me, Salted Caramel Blondie for Matt:

I’m 17.5 pints tall!

Looking across Lake Champlain to New York:

We’ve officially put 1000 miles on our rental car!

One last bridge, Halpin:

This one was, again, off an unmarked dirt road, but I’m really glad we stopped

Look at the cool joinery!

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