30 March 2019

Today we flew into Houston with no plans other than a rented car:

(our sun-burnt toaster)

and a flight out of Tampa a week or so later.  We made a brief list of things we would like to see or do along the way, but otherwise, we figured we’d just drive and see what we could find!

Stuck at the back of the plane:

I decided we needed to sample as much southern fare as possible so our first food stop was Whataburger (or Whatsaburger, as I kept calling it), a Texas staple:

It was overcast and rainy when we arrived, so we decided to check out the Houston Space Center.

I made the mistake of exploring the exhibits first, so we missed out on the tram tour, but the rest of the museum was pretty interesting.  Weather on Mars is about the same as weather in Wisconsin 🙂

I especially like when I’m allowed to touch the things, like this piece of Mars:

Do, do, do, do, I touched that!

We’re astronauts!


I touched this meteorite too 🙂

A exhibit full of old spaceships!

Starships are meant to fly:

Space camera! (it’s really hard taking pictures through thick plexiglass)

I appreciated the open sign next to the open door:

Touch the moon?

…dont’ mind if I do!

More samples:

A spaceship on a plane:

Us on the tiny plane:

That foil implement looks a lot like the antenna I once made for my TV:

On the way out, we found a better view of the stacked planes:

and took a picture with them:

Don’t be too jealous of our mad selfie skills- here are the outtakes:

We missed out on the last tram tour by about 5 minutes 🙁 so we decided to call it a day and travel onward.  Since it was starting to rain, we left Houston:

These traffic lights flashed a white strobe ring when they turned red:

Then the rain really started coming down so we drove on to Louisiana (the blue sign is a Welcome to Louisiana sign) and stopped for the night in Lafayette.

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