2 April 2019

Welcome to Battleship Memorial Park, home of the USS Alabama:

This is the USS Alabama:

*pew pew pew*

The deck was a bit patched…

GIANT WRENCHES! (I liked the machine shop):


Matt is a bad apple

We were free to wander pretty much wherever we wanted- they just gave us a map and let us loose 🙂

down in the engine room

Inside one of the turrets:

Pretty sure that’s the table we use in Ecuador!

Creepers gonna creep…

A present! I wonder what it might be…

We also got to go inside a submarine:

Lots of equipment packed into not a lot of space:


Matt ascending the hatch:

Our next stop was at Alligator Alley!

We got there right as they were getting ready to feed the gators!

This big guy came up on land for a treat…

He would boop the gators on the nose with his hat to try to get them to stick their noses up higher:


Gators are not-so-graceful when they try to get out of the water:

We got to hold a baby gator!!!  This is Charlie, an approximately 2 year old gator:


Hatchlings- they were under a red light that messed with my camera’s white balance:

A little guy making a break for it?

A very toothy grin:

This guy looks so content!

This guy looks like he has an overbite:

This guy was quite photogenic:

Top-down view:

We bought a cup of pellets to feed to the gators:


A well-fed gator:

Gators like mud baths?

Gators cruising through the swamp:


Naps in the sun:



This guy may have been in a scuffle:

This bird was pretty, but seriously noisy!

There were also some other reptiles, like this beautiful rainbow boa (he was iridescent!):


A free-range tortoise:

Tiny tortoise hiding under a rock:

Bearded dragon:

Farewell, alligators!

Hello, Florida!

Their Welcome Center had free orange juice samples, so we had to stop 🙂

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