4 April 2019

Today we explored Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, a year-round sanctuary for manatees!

Hey look, a manatee!

And another! In the winter, they open the gate and tons of manatees come enjoy the warmth of the springs. The rest of the manatees have migrated on now that it’s warming up, but there are 3 permanent manatees that live here year round.

This one was sleeping, but every few minutes he’d stick his nose up for more air.

Apparently, manatees love lettuce!

This path led to an underwater viewing window:

with a great view of those schooling fish:

and some larger fish:

and more manatees eating lettuce!

Apparently, fish like lettuce too!


The park is also home to injured birds and critters, like this deer, who was licking the fence…

…I’m not sure he’s entirely ok…

Great blue heron



The nesting herons were quite noisy



Ground owl, on the ground:

Black vultures:


White pelicans:


During mating season, both male and females grow a bump on their beak that is shed after they mate and lay their eggs. Weird but cool!

Black-crowned night heron:

Wood storks, one striking an awkward pose:


This guy is not ok:

Bald eagles:


Juvenile eagle:

Pelican island:


Little blue heron?

Green heron:


Wood duck:



They also stand one-legged like flamingos:


Snowy egret:


Nesting mom:

look at those eggs!

Dad standing guard:

Majestic Whooping Crane:



Crested Caracara:


Great horned owl:

And a few non-avian critters, like this little fox:

This lazy gator:

and a hungry, hungry hippo:

He is the oldest living hippopotamus in North America!

For dinner, I found a Peruvian restaurant called “Happy Fish”, where I had this amazing chaufa de pollo- basically the South American version of fried rice:

It was delicious, but filling so I brought half of it back to the hotel with me. I also discovered chicha morada, a juice made from purple corn, which is my new favorite drink.  If only we had a South American restaurant back home…

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