16 Nov 2019

Last day 🙁

I found this mangosteen farmer’s market earlier in the week and decided it was finally ready to eat:

Crack open the purple/red shell:

Eat the fleshy white part:

Delicious!  (it tastes kind of like slightly sour peach lychee)

I talked Matt into visiting a coffee farm, as Kona grows some pretty tasty coffee beans.  These are ripening:

Unripe beans and a some coffee leaves:

Then we spent the rest of the day just wandering around downtown Kona, eating tasty food and enjoying the warm. Found some tiny lizards while we enjoyed some (unpictured) gelato:

Wild bananas!! (they were right outside my dive shop)

We dove up the coast a ways to a viewpoint we spotted earlier in the week. This is looking out to the northwest- in the distance there, that’s Maui!

Haleakalā, Maui!

Looking north, that’s Kohala on the left and Mauna Kea on the right:


Mauna Kea:

And looking back toward the island, Mauna Kea on the left and Hualālai on the right:


The End.

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