16 Aug 2023

Today, we woke up bright and early (and refreshed!) to drive across the state and pick up a lot of Skylanders:

For not wanting to sit in a car for many hours, I may have picked a bad day to ride along…

But see that little blip on the southernmost part of our route?

We briefly crossed into Pennsylvania before popping back up into NY!

No idea why they didn’t just make the road straight and keep it in NY! I have so many questions: who’s responsible for upkeep that portion? who plows that part? !?!?!WHY!?!?!

There was a game store in Rochester, NY Matt wanted to check out, so that’s where we spent the night, at the same hotel as a previous road trip.  On that last trip, I discovered that Wegman’s (a grocery store out here) has really good mac’n’cheese, and I’ve been looking forward to eating it again pretty much since we started planning this trip!

We also loaded up on dessert and other snacks (we may have been a bit hungry while we were shopping), but honestly, that pasta was quite filling (and not quite as good as I remembered), so we ended up saving most of the snacks for another day.

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