7 Nov 2023

Today started with a bus ride to Hollywood Studios, where we caught the Skyline over to Riviera for breakfast at Le Petit Café:

It may have been a bit windy

A cinnamon roll for Matt and banana bread and an iced coffee for me:

Plus these little Madeline cookies as a snack for later:

I liked their little coffin case

Then it was a short Skyliner ride to Epcot and a walk over to Fantasia Gardens mini golf!

We opted for the “Fairways” course (because it had no wait time):

It looked like a regular golf course, just condensed and with a lot of traps and hilly areas:

and tiny lizards!

Matt is not left handed:

Hole in 2!

Somehow, we both managed to shoot under par- go us!

Neither of us were quite ready for lunch, so we signed up for the “Gardens” course and ate our cookies while we waited for our turn.

This was my favorite trap:

Both of us managed to get our balls stuck between the snowflakes:

Ahh… shade!

There’s a sensor that activates those buckets to dump water when you walk past:

(don’t worry, Matt stayed dry)


We managed to stay under par for this round too- go us!

We reversed our morning route and headed back to Riviera for lunch at Primo Piatto, where I had the most delicious grilled chicken sandwich and Matt had an equally-awesome pizza!

Our afternoon plan had been more mini golf, but since we already played 2 rounds, we headed back to our hotel and I took nap.  Lame, yes, but I didn’t sleep well last night and needed the break.  Plus, it gave Matt time to get some work done.

I woke up a few hours later and we headed over to the French Quarter for dinner at Sassagoula- gumbo for me and jambalaya for Matt:

It was tasty, but spicy and there was a lot of it- I felt bad not being able to finish it 🙁

We had a bit of time to kill before our next activity- a carriage ride!

We checked in early and, fortunately, the people before us we running late and called to cancel, so they flipped our spots and we got to go early!

This is Cal, an 11 year old Percheron:

I didn’t really take any picture of the ride- we were to busy talking with Deanna, our driver, who was very passionate and obviously enjoyed her work.

Farewell, Cal!

A bedtime snack beignet:

This idea was better in theory:

Then we hopped a boat:

to Disney Springs:

and caught a bus back home.

Good night!

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