26 Jan 2020

Yesterday was mostly a travel day, hanging out at the airport as one by one our group went off on their respective flights home. My flight, unfortunately, was one of the last, but it gave me more time to eat more tasty mie goreng 🙂

Fortunately, the airport in Seoul offers free transit tours, so during my (almost 12 hour) layover, I once again left the airport, this time with a group, to visit Gyeongbokgung Palace:

Love the architecture

Geunjeongjeon Hall

Geunjeongjeon Hall from a cooler angle 🙂

Rank stone- this indicates where an officer should stand, according to their rank

Look at how detailed everything is!

The palace is repainted every 30 years- there’s a special crew that does the restoration:


That blue-roofed building is Seonjeongjeon Hall or the Blue House:


Proof I was here 🙂

We also stopped at Insa-dong, which is a street full of shops.

and food!

Back at the airport, this robot was roaming around telling people its name and that it could answer questions. I snapped this picture and took off before it could notice me!

The End.

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